Apastambha |
(2nd century B.C.) Ancient Indian mathematician who experimented with equations to design sacrificial altars
Ayurveda |
Ancient Indian method of medicine finding it's roots in the Vedas
Baudhayana |
(apprx 800 B.C.) Ancient mathematician who laid down rules of measurement in his masterpiece Sulva Sutra, which also deals with irrational numbers
Brahmagupta |
(598 A.D.-660 A.D.) Ancient mathematician who worked with indeterminate equations (Varga Prakriti)
Chanakya |
(3rd century B.C) also known as Kautilya, author of Artha Shastra, an ancient text on administration of Government and Economics. He was Chandragupta Maurya's prime minister
Dhanurveda |
Ancient Indian military science
Gandhara |
An ancient kingdom of India, roughly corresponding to present day Khandahar in Afghanistan. Gandhari, a queen of Mahabharat was a pricess from Gandhar.; Also name of an important school of Indian art that florished during the Kushanas.
Gandharvavdea |
Ancient Indian musical system
Gayatri Mantram |
Ancient Vedic prayer (about 5000 years old) that is recited by Brahmins during the Sandhyavana prayer
Harappa |
Ancient archaeological site uncovering a lost civilization.
Indology |
The field of academic study of ancient and medieval India
jyotisha |
Ancient Indian astronomy; a practitioner is a Jyotishi
Kama |
Sensuous love, emotional feeling of attachment. In ancient Indian thought is recognized as the stimulus of action and personified as the god of erotic love.
Kosala |
Ancient kingdom in North India said to have ruled by king Dasharatha
Magadha |
An ancient kingdom of India, founded in apprx. 3rd century B.C.
Mithila |
An ancient kingdom in India. At the time of Ramayana, it was ruled by king Janaka.
Nalanda |
Name of the famous ancient unversity in ancient India that attracted scholars from far east Asia.
Natyashastra |
Ancient treatise on acting and dancing written by sage Bharata Muni.
Panini |
Ancient Sanskit scholar of India who wrote Astadhyayi.
Patanjali |
(1300 B.C.) Ancient Indian astronomer who studied space and identified the Northstar (Dhruva)
Prakrit |
Ancient Indian Language of the Vedas
Puranas |
Ancient religious texts of Hinduism
Sanskrit |
Ancient Indian Language of Bhagavad-Gita and many other sacred texts of Hindus
Sushruta |
Author of an ancient medical text
Swayamvara |
Ancient Indian custom of wedding where the bride chose a man through a contest
Upanishads |
Sacred texts of Hinduism created by ancient sages after deep studies of life and metaphysics.
Varahamita |
Ancient Indian astronomer
Vidarbha |
An ancient kingdom of India, roughly falling in the state of Maharashtra of today.
Vidisha |
An ancient city in central India.
Vyasa |
Ancient Indian sage and writer of the epic Mahabharata; son of Parasar and Satyavati
Yajna |
Sacrifice or sacrificial rite. In the ancient Vedic fire cult, the purpose of sacrifice was to ensure the well-being of the individual and the community by maintaining a ritual relation to the gods.
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