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The History, Mystery, and Diversity of India

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Colors of India
Are you one of those who felt our site lacks color? While it is true that most of our content is in black and white, we bring you this delightful presentation on colors of India.

Pre-historic Rock Paintings
The pre-historic rock paintings of Madhya Pradesh are 5000 to 20000 years old. Kamat wonders on the meaning of some of the paintings while narrating their value

Faces of India
Photographer Kamat captures the diversity of India through these memorable portraits

Folk Artists of Karnataka
When folk artists from all over Karnataka gathered for the World Kannada Conference, Kamat was there

Old-timey Education
Dr. Jyotsna Kamat hosts an amusing online exhibition of historical artifacts on education in India through the centuries

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House of Pictures
Photographs and Paintings

Rani Rashmoni (1793 - 1861)
Rashmoni built the famous temple of Goddess Kali in Dakshinshwar
Stamp of Queen Rashmoni
Art of K.K. Hebbar
The Tamasha Folkdance
Sketch by K.K. Hebbar

The Multi-faceted Shiavaram Karanth
Hebbar's tribute to his friend Shivaram Karanth
Art of K.K. Hebbar
Mystic Sai Baba
Sai Baba of Shirdi

Prehistoric Theater
Social life depicted in prehistoric cave paintings
Cave Shelter Paintings
Prehistoric Theater
Prehistoric Social Networks
Social life depicted in prehistoric cave paintings

The Begum of Bhopal
Photograph circa 1860 shows chouri bearing assistants
Old Photographs of India
Kannada Writers
Lalita Ramanna
From Manohara Grintha Mala collection

Advertisement of Raleigh Bicycle
Vintage Advertisements
Vintage Tourist Brochure
Art from Tourist Brochure of Maharashtra
Brochure shows motifs of Ajanta, Aurangabad and the Western Ghats

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