The Milkmaid (Gouli), The Village of Kansur "I asked the lady to expose her ornaments but was surprised when she unbuttoned her blouse! -- Perhaps blouse is just another ornament for her." - Photographer |  |
 |  Patel's Wife in the village of Modnar Muscles and tattoes of a tribal Woman, Madhya Pradesh, 1977 |
 Ti. Nam. Shreekantaiya at Kumta Picture Taken 1954 Kannada Literary Conference in Kumta |  |
 |  Prof. V. Seetaramaish Picture Taken 1954 Kannada Literary Conference in Kumta |
 Saree Art Kamat's Painting on Jyotsna's silk saree based on a design from a cave ceiling in Ajanta |  |
 |  K. L. Kamat at Work Kamat was an expert illustrator |
 Kamat Family Enjoying Kamat Pictures Photograph shows Laxman (Grandpa) Kamat and Sumitra Kamat enjoying Kamat's early photographs |  |
 |  A Father and a Daughter Share a Light Moment Inside a Konkani Household, 1967 |
 Passion for Photography A bunch of keys is a enough for Kamat to start clicking! |  |
 |  Jyotsna Interviewing a Woman from Herangadi
 Information Gathering Shown above: Dr. R. Seshasatry, collecting information in the field from a villager |  |
 |  A Sample of one of Kamat`s Letter
 High-tech using Low-tech Weekly consignment of content arriving at Kamat residence |  |
 |  Pages from Kamat's Diary Wherever photography was not possible, Kamat has used sketches and line drawings to document his field studies |
 A Student for Lifetime Jyotsna Kamat making notes for a research paper. |  |
 |  "Can you ID this Bappa?" Hiryoung and Vikas organizing the contents and asking Krishna for a clarification. December 2000 |
 Map Showing Gundabala Kamat`s hand-drawn map showing the village of Gundabala and its neighborhood. Keen observation and elaborate documentation has been Kamat`s forte. |  |
 |  Long time before XML/RPC, there was Post Office! Kamat mails a content consignment at the Malleswaram Post Office (December 2000). We have relied heavily on the Indian and United States Postal Systems for mailing of our pictures and stories. |
 Tattoos of the Baiga Tribe Whenever photography was not possible, Kamat has documented the 20th Century India in his illustrations and letters. |  |
 |  A Page from Kamat's Diary A page entry shows the location of the cave shelters at Bhimbetka |
 The Kamat Picture Retrieval System! Picture shows film reels and the tiny pieces of paper wrapped around the film reels. Over 200,000 pictures covering priceless moments of Indian life are stored this way. |  |
 |  Example of a Kamat Content Dispatch We have relied heavily on the Indian and United States Postal Systems for mailing of our pictures and stories |
 Kamat's First Photograph Picture of the Redkar family members taken on November 04, 1949 |  |
 |  The S.S.C Class of 1952 The 1952 graduating class of New English School, Honavar |
 Prof. A. N. Moorthy Rao As a boy, Kamat photographed famous personalities during the 1952 Kumta Sahitya Sammelan |  |
 |  Butter Boy! Picture of Pradeep Kamat, 1969 |
 Best Friends
|  |
 |  Screen Capture of Kamat Content CrowBot
 Stacked up Diaries of Kamat Throughout his travels, Kamat has meticulously documented his studies of India. |  |
 |  Cameras in Kamat's Safe
 Kashmir in Fountain Pen When Kamat did not have a camera, he had a pen to document the memories |  |
 |  A Diary of Imagination Shown above, Kamat has illustrated an imaginary dance of the insects. |
 Life Inspires Art Kamat's diaries are sometimes illustrated, possibly inspired by nature which was his true love. |  |
 |  Traditional Kashmiri Hukka
 Catalog of Tribal Jewelry When photography was not possible, Kamat has hand-drawn the artifacts |  |
 |  Types of Combs Combs are used as a symbol of love among some tribes of India |
 Pages from Kamat's Diary Some pages are annotated with actual photographs that he contact-printed |  |
 |  Detail of a Page from Kamat's Diary Some pages are annotated with actual photographs that he contact-printed |
 Map of Khajuraho A page from Kamat's diary showing a hand-drawn map of Khajuraho town. |  |
 |  A Photographer's Diary This page lists the reel number, date of the photograph, and contents of the reel |
 Photography as a means of Duplication Before the photocopying technology arrived in India, Kamat used photography as a duplicating medium. Shown here is the floor-plan of Kamat home. |  |
 |  Deepavali Greetings A sketch by K. L. Kamat |
 Amma And Gindi, Oct 16, 1975
|  |
 |  Jyotsna Crossing Amdayi River Jyotsna crossing a river in the forests of Central India to study tribal women |
 Kamat`s 1959 Remington Typewriter
|  |
 |  Tribal World of K. L. Kamat Cataloging the illustrations of Kamat on tribal life and their relationship to the ancient man |
 Kamat Practising Calligraphy? Kamat had a very small, almost illegible handwriting. Was this an attempt to improve it? |  |
 |  A Draft Sketch of a Cover Page A half-complete sketch of Kamat's Book "KalaRanga" |
 Cover of Uttara Kannada Album While in college, one semester Vikas came home to thousands of pictures of Uttara Kannada district scattered all over the house. He painted a cover page (above) and spiral bound them into an album. |  |
 |  Bird from Ajanta This bird derived from a cave painting in Ajanta, went on to grace Jyotsna's saree |
 Tour of India in Photo-Stubs Prototype page of what eventually became Kamat's Potpourri |  |
 |  Early Prototype of Kamat's Potpourri (1995)
 Krishna Fighting Surpent Kaliya Sketch by K.L. Kamat, Fountain pen on paper, 1954 |  |
 |  Young and Goofy Picture of Pradeep Kamat |
 Camera Kubja Prototype of a photography project by Kamat |  |
 |  An Unfinished Geometric Sketch Pencil/watercolor on Paper, K.L.Kamat, 1953 |
 Prototype of a Incomplete Project A moth eaten prototype of a project |  |
 |  Students on a country-boat, Baitkhol Bay Photograph by Kamat, 1959 |
 Kamat and Friends at Kemmannugundi L to R: .R.N. Desai, K.L. Kamat, R.M. Patil. Photograph by V.K. Deshpande, 1960 |  |
 |  Friends of Kamats on a Field Trip Photograph by Kamat, Karwar Beach, 1959 |
 Picture of Baban Nadkarni Photograph by Kamat, 1961, Dharwad University Campus |  |
 |  Zoology Department of Karnatak College A photograph taken by Kamat in 1956 |
 Kamat's First Camera
|  |
 |  Basava's Flower Kamat's photograph prepared for an article in Sudha Weekly |