Democratic Socialism in India Go To: Articles & Table of Contents Keywords: democratic solialism, Marxism, India, PSP, Communi
 A Socialist Poster of 1950s, Sikkim Design by V.N. O'key |  |
 |  Comrade Chitale Chilate was a leader of 1955 Satyagraha in Goa |
 Asoka Mehta Leads Pardi Kisan Struggle
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 |  Nasik Central Jail -- Birthplace of Indian Socialism In 1932, Jayaprakash Narayan was locked up in Nasik Central Jail, where he met other intellectuals like M.R. Masani, Achyut Patwardhan, N.C. Goray, Asoka Mehta, M.H. Dantwala, Charles Mascarenhas, C.K.Narayanswami, and the socialist movement was born. |
 Early Socialist Activity in India Photograph shows Dadabhai Navroji attending the Socialist International Meeting, 1904 |  |
 |  Engels and Marx Portraits of Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx from a Socialist Poster in India |
 Anjumane Islam Hall Venue of 1934 Patna Conference, Patna |  |
 |  A Poster of Congress Socialist Party
 Founding Members of Congress Socialist Party
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 |  Congress Socialist Party is Born (1934) The photograph features Founding Members of Congress Socialist Party |
 Socialists' Unite to Provide Alternative to Congress The Indian socialists were opposed to unilateral "Stalinist" ways and struggled to provide a voice of opposition and balance in Indian politics. |  |
 |  Stalin's Treachery of Indian Socialists Cartoons showing Stalin and Indian socialists |
 Formation of Hind Mazdoor Sabha, 1948 In the picture are featuring J.P Narayan, Asoka Mehta, and Yusuf Mehrealy. |  |
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