A Triangular Hero-stone
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 |  Stories the Hero-stones Tell Lower panel of a hero-stone depicts the hero's fight with the enemy |
 Detail from a Hero-stone A memorial stone showing a furiously fighting hero, Madhya Pradesh |  |
 |  Hero with a Gun Detail from a memorial in Pachmari |
 A Wooden Memorial of Madhya Pradesh A memorial with the hero's name and date of his death in Hindi |  |
 |  Boat Heroes - Memorials Erected for Brave Seamen Panaji Museum in Goa |
 Mahasati Stone A memorial stone at Bhojpur, Central India |  |
 |  Heroes who die heroic death are sometimes immortalized as Garuda Town of Siddapur, 1983 |
 Top Strata of a Hero-stone from Sangeetapura Also known as Haduvalli and Hadolli, this village has beautiful Jain sculptures |  |
 |  Sculpted Hero-stone Fresh flowers indicate that the Hero-stone is still worshipped |
 Details from a Hero-stone
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 |  Depiction of a Battle Detail of a panel from a hero-stone, Hadolli |
 A Memorial for a Family Member Notice the distinct Tulasi-like construction The Village of Chaterpur, 1977 |  |
 |  Hero-stones are llustrated Sources of History Notice that only two panels are visible. This is a buried hero-stone. The third panel depicting war is under the ground. |
 A Hero-stone depicting a battle
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 |  Jaina Nishidhi Stone Apprx. 11th century, Sravanabelagola |
 Nishidhi Stone of Machikabbe A memorial shows Machikabbe, the royal mother-in-law observing Sallekhana (fasting unto death) |  |
 |  A Man Remembered Detail from a tribal memorial, Village of Jamnujari, Madhya Pradesh |
 Hero and Sati A stone memorial remembers a hero died in battle and his wife who committed Sati with him. |  |
 |  Herostone from Maragallu Vijayanagar Period, Kolar District |