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Pictures 21-40Pictures 41-54  Pictures 1 to 20 of 54 Matching the Keyword: Vishnu

  Sculpture of Vishnu
Andal Dreaming of Vishnu
Sheshashayi Vishnu with Lakshmi
Hoysala Emperor Vishnuvardhana and His Queen Shantala
  Garuda in Indian Art
Statue of Lord Vishnu, Badami
Garuda as a Follower of Vishnu
Vasudeo Vishnu Kirtane
  Hoysal sculpture, 1973, Nugge halli,
Sri Vishnu in being received with awe by royalty and sages, A mythological scene in Sibi, 1982

Icon of Lord Vishnu

Statue of Dhanwantari
Metallic Bust of Lord Vishnu
Hoysala King
African-Indian Community
Sculpture from Cheluvanarayana Temple

Pictures 21-40Pictures 41-54  Pictures 1 to 20 of 54 Matching the Keyword: Vishnu

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Kamat's Potpourri House of Pictures PictureSearch

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